Vanessa...An innocent Awakening
The YEAR'S FUNNIEST FUN! (original print ad - mostly caps)
The things teen-age girls learn in school...that aren't in books
If you don't know what they are, you don't know what you're missing.
The killer slices without mercy!
In the convent of St. Archangel, there is a struggle for lust & love.
Perverse! Jess Franco Pours On The Sleaze!
The adult couples' movie!
With needles dipped in deadly venom the victims are paralyzed - so they must lie awake and watch themselves die!
A Revealing Look at Sex in Cinema
Ein heißer Sex-Bericht (1973 German release)
Вот что на самом деле творится в летнем лагере
Roger Vadim, the director who uncovered Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve and Jane Fonda, now brings you the American high school girl...and Rock Hudson.