He's back from the dead with a message from hell!
A human comedy by Babak Payami
Because no one wants to be alone.
You can't be what you can't see.
Weapons of mass seduction
A mysterious woman forces two brothers onto a dangerous psychosexual collision course.
Male enough to attract a dozen women...not man enough to be faithful to one!
Their dream was her nightmare.
Desire is hatred.
Raised in the Trash Trade
You've Never Seen Anything Like It!
HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE! «Maisie is the surprise picture of the season!» It is one of the things that happen in Hollywood...the once in a «blue moon» mixture of happy players, a good story, a clever director...and the answer is...EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT! A GRAND GAL...Everybody's crazy about...! «MAISIE»