Mates Became Heroes. The Track Became Legend
A Spine-Tingling Thundering Saga Of The Sea!
They Take War To A New Dimension.
Welles and Del Rio together! as Terror Man vs. Leopard Woman--for possession of a mysterious stranger in the powder-keg Middle East...a man with a military secret worth more than his love and his life!...It's menace melodrama thrilled with mighty mystery and suspense...SEE IT!
Fightin' . . Laughin' . . Lovin' !
Only their music could conquer the forces of evil
Heart-Warming Romance . . . Stark, Sensational Drama! Thrills! Action! Adventure! ...Ripped From The Heart!
The worldwide bestseller becomes a 5-hour miniseries masterpiece!
Three women loved him...The entire world feared him...A Madman Who Would Stop at Nothing to Conquer Everything
It puts you in the best of spirits!
They were worshipped as national saints. Hated as traitors. Their marriage spanned from the worst kind of betrayal to the greatest love...