100 Comedians. One Very Dirty Joke
Jet Packed Excitement! Jet Packed Danger! Jet Packed Romance! The Greatest Adventure Story of Our Time!
Wayne Tangles with Loren...In the Adventure that's Hotter than 1000 Suns !
The Willie Boy incident was the most savage chapter in frontier history !
Here come the grooms...and their mothers!
Across 2000 miles of savage wasteland ... they lived a thundering adventure that rocked two nations !
YOU'LL NEED SHOCK ABSORBERS! (original ad - all caps)
Live for passion... ...die for vengeance
Colonel Jock Sinclair drank with his officers...and sang and danced with them...until that day when a shot rang out AND HE STOOD ALONE!
The cold-blooded killer who terrorized a town!
Sex. Murder. Marlowe. This town has everything.
They drank and they dreamed...tomorrow they would conquer the world...then along came Hickey.
See How The West Was Fun!
One foot in the door. The other one in the gutter.