A Story of the Heartbreaks...Behind the Big Breaks!
What do you do when the girl you love becomes a weapon of mass destruction?
If Harry's past ever catches up with him, he won't live long enough to regret it.
This Longing... This Yearning... This Wanting...
Sultry, sexy, pouting and provocative - It's the one and only BARDOT!
His Vice Was Selling His Wife...Until the Vice Went Versa
Born in the magic of youth. Forged by the passions of war. Their love knew no boundaries.
Can love be recaptured?
A Story of Family, Lust, Murder ...and Other Midlife Crises
All your family's dirty little secrets. Now a #1 best seller.
...SHE'LL LIE...KILL OR KISS HER WAY OUT OF ANYTHING! (original print ad - all caps)
He chased her . . . 'til she caught him!
Listen, You...it's LOVE I'm after! - ...and it's love you're going to get -- in the neck!