Based on the incredible true story
The end justifies the mean.
Она гонится за мечтой… они гонятся за ней
Fame Comes And Goes, Stars Rise And Fall, But Dreams Live Forever
142 Screenful Minutes of Thrills and Suspense!
She Passed Out On Cary ! No Wonder . . . She's just discovered his favorite aunts have poisoned their 13th gentleman friend !
Время проливает свет на все
Поклявшиеся служить, защищать и хранить секреты
...на них каждый имеет право
Grand Prix de la Critique International Venice 1950
Give up three years of their lives or give up the life of their friend. They have eight days to decide.
Flesh Ripped clean to the Bone... And the Blood runs Red...
1963 год. 22 ноября. 12:38. В Мемориальную больницу в Далласе доставлен раненный пациент. Его имя - Джон Ф. Кеннеди, 35-й президент США
Mixed up at birth, two sets of twins finally meet their match
These children are home alone too. But their parents are never coming back.
It's A Bad Day To Be Human.
Clint Eastwood is Dirty Harry in Magnum Force
In every life there comes a time when that dream you dream becomes that thing you do.
Черный рыцарь и Принц темноты в решающей битве!