Let the games begin!
The mystery of "The Birds", The danger of "Psycho", The evil of "The Omen", The terror of "Jaws", Now, the ultimate in suspense.
She's a killer in a G-string!
Student Power Meets Nuclear power!
Some Get Tough. Some Go Insane. Some Will Die...
It's the big one!
During the 1970s in the Philippines everybody wanted a piece of the ACTION!
This Ain't No Hula!
You'll believe it just before you die...
You Dont Pick Them, They Pick You!
The Raunchiest '80s Sex Comedy of Them All!
White skin on the black market!
Bruce Lee's spirit lives in ... Circle of Iron
What she did to get into prison is nothing compared with what she'll do to get out.
Lashed to a terrible machine that maims tender young bodies and cripples innocent young minds.
Там где бесчинствуют мёртвые, живые обречены на страшную смерть...
It's Driller Time... And This Bits For You!
Before your funeral...Before you are buried...Before you are covered with the last shovelful of dirt...Be sure you are really dead!