Как вкусна плоть любимой женщины
Месть - это блюдо, которое лучше подавать холодным
Greatest Odyssey Of The Ages - for the first time on the screen
Evil comes when you call his name.
Excitement Fills the Screen in This Towering African Adventure!
One man is missing. Two girls lie dead. ...and someone breathing on the other end of the phone.
Come early! Come often!
Best of enemies. Deadliest of friends.
Everyone's gotta have....
The screen's most magnificent entertainment returns...filled with joy, laughter, love and life. (re-release)
"The good news is your dates are here. The bad news is... they're dead."
Когда жажда справедливости сметает все границы на своем пути...
The hunt is on for the world's most infamous diabolical murderer.
Every body has different tastes
Still! The Greatest High Adventure Ever Filmed!