Has the world left you a stray?
Growing Up Is Hard To Do
A story of love and redemption.
Losers aren't born, they're made.
love IS news...when it's romantic TYRONE...lovely LORETTA...and dashing DON stepping out together on a streamlined, screamlined, springtime love-lark! (Print Ad-Nashua Telegraph, ((Nashua, NH)) 2 April 1937)
The heartbreak drama of a girl on parole, forbidden by law to marry the man she loves! (original print ad)
Dive Into An Erotic Feast For the Eyes...
She gave the air to a millionaire . . . and her heart to a guy with a million-dollar personality ! It's gay , grand , glorious fun !
Любовь... Похоть... Ложь
He had a wife, two kids, a home of his own, a job with a future and then POOR JIMMY WON THE $24,000 RADIO JACKPOT!
Мужчины любят по-своему
They drank and they dreamed...tomorrow they would conquer the world...then along came Hickey.