The flip side of Sherlock Holmes.
The Marriage Of Maria Braun. . . the marriage lasted no longer than half a day and a full night.
Some cops play by the rules. Their own
Love may have mortal consequences...
Чтобы они жили, мы должны умереть
The legend of lone wolf and cub continues!
If war is hell then what comes after?
Готовьтесь к новым приключениям
A Happy-Go Lucky Hitch-Hiker on the Highway to happiness! He wanted to see the world . . . but wound up in Lover's Lane!
He who sheds others' blood will not return ... NOT EVEN HIS SOUL ...
It is not the fall that kills you
В сумерках взойдёт Луна. И мир изменится
When a single act can change the fate of nations, who would you betray?
TWO LOVERS...VICTIMS OF MOB VIOLENCE! (original 1936 window card poster)
He thrived on two kinds of people...his victims and his women!
Dracula... Frankenstein... Raptor... And Now... ...The Terror.
They were three small time girls, with big time dreams. Now, fate is giving the Pussycats, the chance of a lifetime
Tomorrow is nearer than you think...