First came the passion, followed by the intense sex, and then came... LOVE!
IT'S LOVE AND MURDER AT FIRST SIGHT! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - September 1, 1944 - all caps)
Время играть
Только выпейте ведьминого зелья...
Большая игра с большим достоинством
This is what love feels like
Come to Laugh, Come to Cry, Come to Care, Come to Terms
Lost for centuries...only one man can activate it!
America's Biggest Hero is back...and He is not happy
You'll pay for this.
Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize Winning Story.
Welcome to the slammer
Уже не куклы!
Never for money Always for love
The dog is in the house
Prepare for adventure. Count on revenge.
Мир, в котором фантазии оживают