Ты не попадёшь домой
An Erotic Fantasy For The Animal In Us All
Gewalt. Gefühl. Gefangen. (Violence. Feeling. Being caught.)
Half man. Half wolf. Total terror.
The Ultimate Sin!
They beat him. They deprived him. They ridiculed him. They broke his heart. But they couldn't break his spirit.
Love may have mortal consequences...
Pier Paolo Pasolini's Tales of the Arabian Nights
Life made him tough. Love made him strong. Music made him hard.
SIX MEN ON A RAFT ACROSS THE PACIFIC! (original print ad - all caps)
Detroit, Chicago, New York, Miami were like this! This is THE CITY OF ANGELS! This is L.A.
Justice is Blind. So is Vengeance.
Proceed At Yer Own Risk