Он хотел быть Джоном Готти и Лаки Лучиано в одном лице, и ради этого он утопил город в крови
When you take justice into your own hands, what are the consequences?
Nobody is beyond redemption.
What she has witnessed, she cannot escape. What he has become, he cannot control. And what you experience, no one will believe until they come face to face with the inhuman fear that is the howling.
It's A Bad Day To Be Human.
A Drama of Political Assassination
On April 18th 1987, Sarah Tobias stops for a drink at a bar called The Mill.
An adventure beyond time. The experiment that should never have happened 41 years ago... Is still going on
A serial killer is just a heartbeat away
Кошмары начинаются там, где кончается шоссе...
Pray for daylight.
One who keeps his nature keeps his original nature in the end.
The greatest sin of all is risking nothing.
Одним удача дана с рождения. Другие за неё умирают
There are moments when everything changes
Любовь заказов не принимает
An innocent man has only 12 hours to live...