Forget The Rules. Abandon Your Fears. Save Your Soul
To boldly go where no man has gone before
25 Years Of Absolute Pleasure! (2000 25th Anniversary Tagline)
Попробуйте обойтись без близких контактов
Они не нашли жизнь на Марсе. Она нашла их сама
From the most exotic locations on Earth, MOONRAKER will take you out of this world!
Приключения будущего начинаются сегодня
The search for life is about to end.
Они наступают
Blasting Into Theatres
Meet Your Maker.
There is no comparison.
Prepare yourself for Warp-10 excitement!
In the Future, not everyone is who they seem to be
A robot and a man . . . hold the world spellbound with new and startling powers from another planet!
In the very near future a small group of Americans and Russians set out on the greatest adventure of them all... To see if there is life beyond the stars
Они вернулись за добавкой!
The Man of Steel is back, and better than ever!