A woman made for love . . . but whose service to humanity became her destiny!
What did he hide behind his painted smile?
High finance teaches a racketeer new tactics !
She's really coming OUT soon...
A SOCK IN THE EYE! (Print Ad- New York Post, ((New York, NY)) 12 March 1936)
Twenty terrorists, five hundred vacationing skiers, ONE Ski Patrol officer...
A GUY - A GAL - A PAL - It's Swell!
The screen's most unusual picture.
She's back and ready to even the score.
If it's not one thing, it's your mother.
In a world filled with violence... his only weapon is the truth!
All your days you will remember ... all my sons.
The Picture Of The Hour! France In Open Revolt! Leaping From The Headlines! The Underground Of Paris!
The Great Story Of A Great Woman ! It's the grandest human drama since Boys Town !
What excitement! What novelty! What modern day splendor. Fairbanks in a three-mile-a-minute comedy-drama.