Following orders isn't the only way to become a hero.
In the heart of a young woman, lies a secret that divides a nation.
A Lone U.S. Astronaut Space-Ship Wrecked on Mars!
Beyond Alien! Beyond The Thing!
The shortest distance between friends isn't always a straight line
CECIL B DE MILLE'S SUBLIME MIRROR OF LIFE (Print Ad- Los Angeles Daily Times, ((Los Angeles, Calif.)) 22 December 1919)
A story with all the fire and fury of its two great stars!
A Funky Monkey Jungle Tumble
THE ADVENTURE OF ADVENTURES! (original print ad - all caps)
A movie that'll make the whole family care-a-lot.
A father discovers that the most important «long lost tribe» in his life may be very close to home.
She outlived six rich men!
The thirst for adventure!