Space Super Monster (King Ghidorah) attacks the Earth! Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra and the monster war of the century! (Japanese tagline)
Believe in the power to change your destiny
Shot in San Francisco by Swish
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They look for love in a world of violence!
They made him a promise. He made them a family.
A Human Story of Domestic Affairs!
The Master of Comedy takes on The Master of Suspense!
Before Jimi and Janis there was Brian. The Original Rolling Stone
RAW LIFE! REAL LIFE! RECKLESS LIFE! (re-release print ad - all caps)
The Dogs of War. The Best Damn Mercenaries in the Business!
Starring the magnificent Maria Casares as «first violin" in a «string quartet" of 3 women and 1 man - Diderot's classic tale adapted by Jean Cocteau of a jilted woman's devastating revenge that boomeranged!
It is up to you to determine whether you wish to subject yourself to fear, terror... and shock!
The biggest Death Wish ever!
Metroland is not a location - it is a state of mind.