Play it. Sing it. Shout it. Feel it.
ERROL FLYNN In His First Modern Role
The future is a great place to visit.....
Four friends with one dark secret they could never outrun.
Warms Your Heart! STIRS YOUR BLOOD! and fires your imagination!
This is the Orient Few Eyes Have Seen - This is Suspense Few Motion Pictures Have Captured!
A classic portrait in terror!
«A murder's never perfect. It always comes apart sooner or later. And when two people are involved it's usually sooner...»
Never leave loose ends
Somebody Has To Stop Him!
Life... Love... Music
The Million-Dollar Challenge
Defy Pain. Defy the Odds. Defy Definition.
In the last decade, over 814 people have been killed by state-sponsored vigilantes in the Philippines. Many of the victims were children.
In a time of madness, a man of true greatness gave his life to save humanity. The man was the Son of God. The time is now.