Navajo... Warrior... Kickboxer. Cross the line of his law and you'll live... to regret it.
The High Profile Abduction and Miraculous Return.
He Holds Your Fate in His Hands
They did what they were told...They didn't know it was impossible.
Where the future collides with the past
The Story of the Great Santa Fe Stampede!
Their life story is a love story
WARNING: The shock and horror of this film is unusually intense. It is not a film for the faint-hearted.
It's Elvis! up a storm!
If you go down to the woods today - you might never get out alive!
Strange . . . Amazing . . . Their Love Story !
An evil mutation embarks on a wave of brutal butchery.
A voyage beyond corporal life
IT'S SCREWY...And So Funny! IT'S RIOTOUS...And Romantic! (1950 reissue poster)
Adventure beyond imagination
It's Elvis as Johnny and oh, Lordy, how he can love!