Ordinary men. Extraordinary heroes
It took two years to make; it gives you two hours of engrossing entertainment. You may hate it, as you hate the dangerous undercurrents of life, but you will be fascinated, thrilled, held spell-bound. (Print Ad-Daily Alaska Empire, ((Juneau, Alaska)) 20 January 1927)
His Adventures . . . Like His Loves . . . Were Great and Exciting !
Butler! FOR THE COCK-EYEDEST FAMILY in the WHOLE WORLD!...and the butler-blonde battle was on! (Print Ad-Daily Argus, ((Mount Vernon, NY)) 15 October 1936)
The most dangerous secrets are the ones we're afraid to tell ourselves
He survived the deadliest day on Earth! To enjoy the sexiest night in outer space!
Reckless, Roaring, Adventure of the Great Northwest Gold Rush Days!
Yesterday They Were Businessmen. Today They're Cowboys. Tomorrow They'll Be Walking Funny
Exquisite Yearning ! . . . Exotic Living ! High in a hidden mountain village of a strange land and extravagant dreams and desires become exciting realities !
Une Histoire D'Amour Entre un Homme et la Nature
Gather Around the Campfire to Die!
TWO LOVERS...VICTIMS OF MOB VIOLENCE! (original 1936 window card poster)
On the long road, friendship is everything.
Laughter is a state of mind.