The rousing, rollicking adventure of the world's first rockin' rooster!
A life so outrageous it takes two women to live it
A Terrifying Love Story.
A classic screwball comedy, a memorable night's entertainment
Pulsating, exotic romance, turbulent drama, mighty spectacle- in M-G-M's magnificent $2,000,000 screen triumph! (Print Ad-Arcadia Daily Tribune, ((Arcadia, Calif.)) 6 February 1936)
A love beyond words.
The film Courtney Love doesn't want to see.
A cast of favorites in the Charming . . . Romantic . . . Tuneful Love Story of the Early 1900s !
Whisper your fears to running water . . .
The true story of how a mother raised ten kids on twenty-five words or less
When I Wake You...You'll Be Dead
Here's to risks
A Brand New Brand Of American Frontier Story