This is not your family, but this is your family.
Live, from New-York it's Saturday night!!!
"What we've got here is failure to communicate."
A nobody is about to become a somebody... and impress EVERYBODY.
Есть возможность снова стать хорошим...
In every love story, there's only room for one leading man.
Если хочешь почувствовать прилив адреналина, ты должен рискнуть
For over two thousand years, Europe has survived many great disasters. Now for the real test... The Griswold's.
They couldn't like each other less or need each other more
Любовь заказов не принимает
Sparks fly when real killers collide
Bring a bib, it's gonna get messy
Casino Royale is too much for one James Bond!
Everyone's gotta have....
In the game of life, you can't lose 'em all.
Butler! FOR THE COCK-EYEDEST FAMILY in the WHOLE WORLD!...and the butler-blonde battle was on! (Print Ad-Daily Argus, ((Mount Vernon, NY)) 15 October 1936)