The spring holds the secret, the secret of life and death
He is a phantom - a wraith
Время полного отрыва!
Как далеко вы бы зашли, чтобы избавиться от прошлого?
A Hymn to Life and Love
Их оружие - убийственный интеллект. Их горючее - адреналин
Who Decides Who Gets A Second Chance?
This Fall, It's Time To Fight Back
The mindless, murderous fury that was buried with Jason has been reborn. And suddenly, terror has become child's play!
The Nightmare Returns. This Summer
Некуда бежать. И нет смысла прятаться
Things are about to get a little hairy
If you're looking for horror that's got balls...IT'S FOUND YOU.
The extraordinary adaptation of Shakespeare's classic tale of vengeance and tragedy.
The end of the world as we know it.
Five jolting tales of horror!
Academy Award Winner Best Foreign Language Film 1979