His first big dramatic singing role!
A girl with many ideas . . . and a man for each !
An Outrageous Look At Making Movies!
From notorious... to anonymous
If you think life is strange, wait till you see what comes next.
Fate Raised Her To Fame - and killed the man she loved !
There's no escaping Mother Nature
She was every man's dream - and one man's obsession.
How the Sex Drugs and Rock «n» Roll Generation Saved Hollywood
A love story with consequences
Lights... Camera... Evil...
Meet two big liars.
EMIL JANNINGS -- World's finest dramatic actor in a brilliant successor to "The Way of all Flesh" -- and "Variety." You'll be amazed with Janning's tremendous role of the mighty general!...with men...women...a whole nation at his feet! Through flaming love...adoration...hate! To...! The most terrific climax the screen has ever known!