Дуглас Макартур

Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «Дугласа Макартура»

Japan 1945: General Douglas MacArthur was given a mission to decide the fate of a nation, the guilt of a leader, and the true price of peace.

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A Spine-Tingling Thundering Saga Of The Sea!

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As soldiers they were taught to fight for honor. As men they were willing to die for it.


When Japan attacked, he led us back to victory - When Korea exploded, we turned to him again. It was a time that requires heroes and General Douglas MacArthur was there...and then he was fired.


LOVE. DESTINY. HEROES. War Changes Everything.


Based on the Pulitzer prize-winning book

Американская война на Филиппинах

One of the great adventures to come out of the Pacific!

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