Heroic, Fantasy Adventure!
Three years before the United States declares war, Cliff Secord leads America's first battle against the Nazis.
It's A Bad Day To Be Human.
Viewer, beware! You're in for a scare!
Free as a bird, he runs like the wind... brave as a lion, he knows no fear ... he scales rugged rocks and soars across mountain tops ... he swims like a fish and none can beat the force of his fist ... his is a super hero's love story ... his unimaginable
В маленьком городке зло разрастается быстро
How far would you go, how much would you sacrifice to get back what you have lost?
As you've never seen it before
A comic tale of horror and seduction
Смерть. Зло. Бессмертие
Evil is inherent in the human mind, whatever innocence may cloak it...
Ужас онлайн
Murder. Mystery. Romance. Just another ride on the subway.
The fought back to back...No quarter given...No quarter asked...No way in...No way out...of Rio Bravo
5. 4. 3. 2. 1......Time's Up
Dangerous things come in small packages...
Квинтэссенция зла
The fairy tale is over