The Powerful Story of...Adventure, Passion and Survival.
Justice... in this or any other world.
En våldsam färd med mörka hemligheter
A woman's lips set the frozen north aflame.
They went looking for gold. They found something evil.
Boy Meets Girl. Boy Helps Girl. Girl Helps Boy Get Boy.
Now the truth can be told!
Something for everyone with the music of John Denver.
From the producers who brought you «The Adventures of the Wilderness Family»
Based on John Bunyan's «The Pilgrim's Progress»
THEY FOLLOWED THE APACHE TRAIL across a land where danger wore a painted face!
Sometimes the middle of nowhere can lead to the most beautiful of places.
Justin Colter...a city kid living in a world of books and computers... suddenly thrust into the most incredible adventure a boy could ever imagine!
The hunted becomes the hunter on a deadly trail of fear