The war of drugs would lead him to the war of power
They destroyed his life... Now he'll destroy them all.
His mob boss double-crossed him. Now it's payback time!
More than meets the eye!
Twin brothers. Ones a good cop. The other is bad news.
Один за всех и все за одного
These are the Armies of the Night. They are 100,000 strong. They outnumber the cops five to one. They could run New York City. Tonight they're all out to get the Warriors.
...А на что будешь готов ты, чтобы вернуть всё!
Born of man, raised by animals, destined for adventure
Очень хороший полицейский... в очень плохом настроении
Their innocence. Their heritage. Their lives. Nothing would be spared in the fight for their freedom.
A New Hero For A New Era
Игра только началась
Он один против армии врагов
To stop the worst you have to send the best
Putting The "F" Back In Freedom.
Месть будет красивой