The Magic Power of the Ninja Is About to Reveal Itself...
In the Ring of Death, only one man can become king!
It's time to fight again
Like father, like son...
Long memory. Short fuse.
In a world of choices, for one man there is no choice . . . he must face THE OCTAGON
Chuck Norris is back! A one-man time bomb set to explode!
От него можно убежать. Но нельзя скрыться
Before The Bronx there was...
Кто управляет твоим разумом?
Vengeance delivered.
Clint Eastwood will turn you Every Which Way But Loose
A flight plan to freedom...
The king of martial arts versus a bionic killing machine!
Feel The Touch Of Destiny
One's Tough... One's Smart... Together, They Unleash Explosive Action!
They each have a score to settle.