Everybody Dreams
A boy that just won't be beaten
And what Helen wants, Helen gets.
The rules of the dogfight were simple: Everyone puts in fifty bucks. And the guy with the ugliest "date" wins.
From the Man Who Made "The Best Picture of 1941"
When he first fell in love...
A strangler... A swindler... A safecracker... Yet you'll love them!
More Than Family But Less Than Lovers
A superb mystery thriller, unusual and startling even for a Chaney film. Lon as "The Unknown" eats, drinks, shoots a rifle and dresses with his feet. Don't miss this startling spectacle. (Print Ad- The Cobbleskill Index,((Cobbleskill, NY)) 13 October 1927)
The flawless robot lover.
Never break a heart...
An "unthinkable" theme
The dashing Lieutenant of Dragoons, after all had a certain reputation to uphold...while the ravishing Lady from Paris, at best, had only an uncertain fortress to defend...
Animation Beyond Imagination