BLOCKBUSTER ABOUT TO EXPLODE! (original poster-all caps)
Sie waren Brüder. Sie trauten niemandem. Sie fürchteten keinen. Sie stahlen Millionen.
Sweeping the Screen to New Horizons as the Man Who Thought He Could Play God With Men's Souls and Women's Bodies! (Print Ad- Troy Times, ((Troy NY)) 2 December 1931)
In the middle of a violent gang war... a serial killer must be stopped.
You have never really seen Gregory Peck until you see him in «Night People».
Любовь, смерть, ненависть, наркотики - за кулисами ночного клуба...
Ingenting är av nödvändighet vad det synes vara... (Nothing is necessarily what it seems to be...)
You'll double up laughing when you see Mr. Fun On The Run!