Their Greed & Lust for Diamonds Was More Deadly Than the Perils of the Jungle.
Here is life's song of love, beating with laughs and sobs, it's melody in tune with your own heartstrings. (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lyric Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - April 9, 1930)
Graphic... Startling... Fascinating...
Terror Stalks Its Turreted Battlements... and Horror Crawls the Catacombs Beneath!
Terror in the Bayou!
Like it's really, totally, the most fun a couple of bodies can have. You know?
Against unseen jungle terrors and untamed savage tribes ... and pounding war-drums that echoed his challenge !
They Pay or They Die.
The Greatest Tarzan Is Back!
Seven Strangers. 13 Weeks. One House. 547 Cameras. 15 Minutes of Fame.
Greetings from... Sunshine State. Take a vacation with John Sayles.
Incredible but true!