Фильмы и сериалы 1927 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1927 году
Венецианская Венера

America was too dry-so he came to Venice.............He was studying Art- but the only thing he could draw was a check-in six figures! He had painted a picture of a rosy future with his Girl from Home- but that was before he met the wildest, witchingest little Water Waif that ever swam the streets of Venice! (Print Ad- Daily Nebraskan, ((Lincoln, Neb.)) 2 October 1927)

Back to Liberty

A MYSTERY DRAMA (original poster-all caps)

На бульваре Зи

The hilarious tale of a Paris waiter who suddenly finds himself with a million francs! And the start of his troubles. (Print Ad-Daily Times, ((Longmont, Colo.)) 26 October 1927)

The Siren

Tense drama of the dangers which dog the footsteps of those who defy conventions and seek amusement playing with the love of others.


IMPRISONED IN A MOUNTAIN LODGE BY A BLIZZARD THREE COUPLES FIND THAT CUPID IS ON THE JOB (Print Ad- Sunday Vindicator, ((Youngstown, Ohio)) 25 September 1927)

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