Shielded from the truths of a world of men, a girl suddenly meets its problems face to face...You'll suffer and rejoice with her, you'll be touched as never before by her struggle to redeem herself through a great love. (Print Ad-Cohoes American, ((Cohoes, NY)) 28 November 1925)
«Nor Snow, Nor Rain, Nor Wind, Nor Night, Can Stay The Pilot In His Flight»
ACTION...LOVE...PATHOS (original poster-all caps)
Universal's Magnificent Successor to The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The play that broke the world's-record (original print ad)
The Joy Wreck (original poster)
A great picture of the days when Broadway was a lover's lane! (Print Ad- Evening News, ((Tonawanda, NY)) 4 January 1927)
Don't let any child grow up without enjoying childhood's greatest pleasure, seeing Jackie Coogan. (Print Ad- The Evening News, ((North Tonawanda, NY)) 27 November 1925)
A symphony of tears and laughter with Dick as Maestro. (Print Ad- Perry Record,((Perry, NY)) 22 July 1926)