The gripping story of a man who was given five days to live. How would you spend those 120 hours? (Print Ad)
A Trip Though Sweetheart Land
The greatest of all society dramas!
Circus Day in a Small Town and the Ups and downs-Joys and Sorrows of a Circus Performer. (Print Ad-Saskatoon Phoenix, ((Saskatoon, Sask.)) 15 January 1921)
All Artist Cast
In the seething cauldrons of molten steel Bill Matthews saw visions of wealth and power and the golden glow of the blast furnace was the light that showed the way onward and upward to realization. An inspiring story of romance and determination. (Print Ad-Rochester Sentinel, ((Rochester, Ind.)) 2 June 1921)
See Bert Lytell in 'The Price of Redemption' and be thrilled by a man's victory over himself. (Newspaper ad cut)..
Did ever a maid love with such passion? True in her heart flamed the blood of a Mexican father, and an American mother, and she was taught never to trust anyone on the other side of the Rio Grande. (Print Ad- Urbana Daily Democrat, ((Urbana, Ohio)) 5 November 1920)