From LeRoy Scott's famous story of the same name. Norma Talmadge makes but four pictures a year. Here is an opportunity to see her latest and best. (Print Ad- Bismarck Daily Tribune, ((Bismarck, ND)) 2 February 1920)
This SUPER-PRODUCTION HERALDS A NEW ERA IN PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS (Print Ad- Illustrated Buffalo Express, ((Buffalo, NY)) 31 October 1920)
MIGHTY MEN! They recognize but one law-the law that lies in the barrel of a gun and the flinty hardness of bare fists. And when Marsh with his Wall Street millions hits the Kalvik trail to force them to yield their claim to "The Silver Horde" he found fight. And the struggle that followed resounded with the crash of mighty fists-vibrated with the unbleached passions of strong men fighting for fortune and the love of a woman. (Print Ad-Greenfield Recorder,((Greenfield, Mass.)) 19 May 1921)
If you would soar on the magic carpet of enchantment SEE THE WILLOW TREE The Romantic Fantasy of Old Japan Starring Dainty and Adorable VIOLA DANA (Print ad- Vancouver Sunday Sun, ((Vancouver BC)) 18 April 1920)