Фильмы и сериалы 1919 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1919 году
Some Bride

Showing the adorable whimsies of a spoiled bride. (Print Ad- Ottawa Citizen, ((Ottawa, P.O.)) 24 July 1919)

The Home Town Girl

They wanted to get married so what does the lucky man do? Goes out and steals $300 With her after him on the jump! (Print Ad-Daily Times, ((Beaver, Penna,)) 4 August 1919)

Impossible Catherine

Impossible is the only word to describe her! Riding rough-shod over all with whom she came in contact. This spoilt and petted heiress was riding for a fall- And she came down with «Some Bump» when John Henry Jackson Started in to play a cave man role. (Print Ad-Bismarck Daily Tribune, ((Bismarck, ND)) 30 January 1920)

Puppy Love

All young ladies who are in love, or think they are, should see this picture. Lila Lee gives some expert advice on «How to woo and how to be wooed,» especially if your man has a faint heart. Lila Lee is the latest wonder-girl of the pictures. Don't miss her-she's simply great! (Print Ad- Youngstown Vindicator, ((Youngstown, Ohio)) 14 August 1919)

The Probation Wife

If you met a high brow society lady in whom you recognized a former inmate of a low brow cabaret what would you do? (Print Ad- Gettysburg Times, ((Gettysburg, Penna.)) 1 September 1919)

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