They're fiery...fearless...ferocious!
THEY LOVE..AS AN EMPIRE ROCKS! (Print Ad- Pittsburgh Press, ((Pittsburgh, Penna.)) 7 February 1937)
Don't let the GREED get inside you!
Wanted: For chicanery, skulduggery, tomfoolery and habitual bungling!
A million dollars is the prize ... but the game is deadly.
No one knows the incredible secret of the mine...
They Stood Together and Changed the Destiny of an Entire Frontier
FIGHTING TO THE FINISH Mile High in the Sky!
A gun-woman. Her creed. Between outlaws, songs and love...
It's Charlie...the webfoot wonder with the 24 karat layaway plan!
WESTERN JUSTCE! ROARING ROMANCE! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Palace Theatre -Lubbock, Texas - April 10, 1936 - all caps)