AMBUSH BY DAY...MURDER BY NIGHT...In Old California! (original poster)
A Crime Club Mystery thriller that's a shriek with excitement (original poster)
MYSTERY...MADNESS...MURDER! (original print ad - all caps)
The Valiant Story of the Daring Young Men Who Put a Nation's Enemies on the Spot ! (original poster)
We've widened the aisles so you can roll in 'em ... at the Years's LAFFIEST, DAFFIEST FUN-SHOW!
STORY OF AN AMORAL WOMAN! (original ad - all caps)
He was innocent. Why did he confess? (original ad)
A WOMAN WHO WORKED AT MURDER! (original ad - all caps)
The Story of the Ancient Legend of Parsifal! (USA poster)
STARK! SAVAGE! FATEFUL! (original poster - all caps)
IT ISN'T MERELY the daredevil riding! the quality cast! the marvelous photography! the stirring drama! and the handsomest cowboy star that ever rode the plains; and his white marvel horse TARZAN But It's the perfect combination of all that makes 'Gun Gospel' a Western classic you've got to see!
BLONDES -vs- BULLETS (original print ad)
THE DURANGO KID IS BACK! (original poster)
Laughing, swaggering, debonair jury juggler! (original poster)
A STIRRING TALE of the GREAT NORTHWEST (original poster)
They prayed for a murder...and got more than they bargained for! (original poster)