The Loves of the Bold...The Glory of the Brave!
The zany and hilarious antics of British P.O.W.s desperately trying for the great escape.
A BARNFUL OF FUN...! (original poster)
Introducing Italy's sensational new star LEA PADOVANI with a brilliant cast
She's the gleam in the eye of every G.I.! It's an All-American riot!
The dramatic shock of the century!
The private life of a magnificent heel...who brought out the woman in women!
She Sings! She Dances! She Romances! She's Engaged in Maneuvers with Three Different Armies! And She's Got Everything!
A lone American sergeant on the most impossible mission of the war!
Featuring the glorious music of «LA TOSCA» by Puccini with Elisabetta Barbata, Tito Gobbi and Gino Sinimberghi