Meet The MASTER MIND...HE PREDICTS EVENTS --- Even if he has to arrange them himself!
With a license to print
Monogram Presents a Great Box-Office Star in His Film Debut
The Stooges' latest she-nanigans. (One-sheet poster).
A WORTHY SUCCESSOR TO «THE SPOILERS» (original poster-all caps)
STRANGE POWER (original poster - all caps)
THIS IS «MARKED» MONEY that started all the trouble!
Russell loves to fart. Heather hates farting ... A love story.
She knocked the «high» hat off society! (original poster)
The Door Swung Open - and THERE WAS THIS THING AGAIN...with the knife in its neck again...and here was this man...the man she had given her terrified trust...who had hidden that body not an hour before...and she was his prisoner again...and his arms were around her again...(original poster)