One ordinary guy is giving the candidates a reason to run.
Whenever the moon is full... it comes back!
How do you fall in love with the whole world watching?
The story of a nobody everybody is watching
They came. They saw. They came.
Приятного апокалипсиса
Наши стволы без дела не болтаются!
They have forty-five minutes to save the world. They need forty-six
Откуда ей было знать, что нельзя на болоте девочкам гулять?
У него просто огромная карма
...на них каждый имеет право
In a dirty world, he's our only hope.
Diwali 2006: Dhoom Machale once again!
Free as a bird, he runs like the wind... brave as a lion, he knows no fear ... he scales rugged rocks and soars across mountain tops ... he swims like a fish and none can beat the force of his fist ... his is a super hero's love story ... his unimaginable
У каждого своя правда
Get in. Get out. Getaway.
Clint Eastwood is Dirty Harry in Magnum Force
У него есть пять дней, чтобы остановить собственное убийство