Sometimes The Enemy Is Closer Than You Think
Sex, Lies and World Domination
The Most Suspenseful Manhunt in History!
In a covert war the only way to hide the truth is to bury it.
Matt Helm's Biggest and Boldest!
There's a fine line between love and madness.
Great story of love and war!
The Fast Track For All-Star Adventure.
The Most Sinister Address in History!
A romance inspired by a true story of a soldier of fortune!
Bond is back . . . in the untold story of the original agent 007.
"You Must Destroy Dr. Sinn Before He Destroys the World!"
Invasion From A Mystery Planet!
Some Girls Will Do Anything In The Dark... Even Murder!
His orders : "Kill or be killed!"
13 TERRIFIED TEENAGERS ON THE RUN! (original print ad - all caps)