Just how far will a government go to hide the truth?
I would prefer not to.
The only thing hotter than her dreams is reality.
MGM presents the Comedy-Romance in luscious COLOR!
The kind of film your mother warned you about.
Tumorous parasitic beasts are nesting in the bowels of their victims...
These men are in... for the crime of their lives.
She Loved Him, So She Shot Him.
"Honor thy wife, and everyone else's."
HAVE A HOWL ON HOLLYWOOD! (original print-ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Palace Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - Jan. 26, 1938 - all caps)
A SOCK IN THE EYE! (Print Ad- New York Post, ((New York, NY)) 12 March 1936)
Judy Holliday is Solid Gold!
SHE WENT FOR A WALK...AND CAME HOME WITH A BABY! (original poster - all caps)
The Eclectic Film Company's Great $25,000 Prize Photo-Play
«An Ideal Husband has to look to his future...a woman has to look to her past!»
Inspired by the true story of a woman's battle to regain her identity
She's A Good Girl... To Leave Alone!