An original film, thrilling from start to end.
In a place beyond time, comes a terrifying challenge beyond imagination!
The high priestess of evil...A monstrous fiend with an overpowering lust for blood... (theatrical poster)
They were just a couple of losers from Queens... until they dialed a wrong number and got the mob!
Nick Escalante isn't a violent man by nature. He's just good at it. Protection is his business. Especially when it comes to his friends.
There is only one truth.
Starring the great negroe actors
Gorgeous Grace Kelly, beautiful actress of many in her most exciting romantic role!
If you go down in the woods today, you're in for a big surprise.
This is your mind on drugs
The one thing we search for most...
softcore porn
Who's the girl in the Missing poster....It's you?
What do you do when you're allergic to girls?