Для них каждый новый день безумнее предыдущего
It takes a pair to beat the odds
Новые страницы любимой сказки
The law. Without the order.
Игра стоит свеч
Всем нужна правда... пока они ее не находят
There are three sides to this love story!
A team is not a team if you don't give a damn about each other
That's hot. That's not.
MURDER! The blind guy couldn't see it. The deaf guy couldn't hear it. Now they're both wanted for it
Ложь. Обман. Кража. Все в один день
Ничего изменить нельзя... теперь всем точно ... !
Get ready for the ultimate challenge!
Competition. Deception. Perfection
Everybody who's ever been funny is in it!
Love. Commitment. Responsibility. There's nothing he can't run away from.