Даже третья мировая не одолеет первую любовь
In his mind, he has the power to see the future. In his hands, he has the power to change it
Что-то происходит с Дэном. Это смущает. Это ставит в неловкое положение. Это любовь
He's a Killer When He Hates!
She's got a jones for Osmosis. Leah. One hot hormone
You never know who your angel's gonna be
The story of a man and a woman who lived happily ever after. Even though the courtship almost killed them.
Sometimes love can conquer fate. Sometimes not.
Every step brings you closer to the edge.
Есть только один способ выжить - не останавливаться
Let the wild life of politics begin.
Сальвадор Дали: Любовь. Искусство. Предательство
The Most Controversial Picture of Our Time!
A comedy of Galactic Proportions
Смерть мужчинам, гибель человечеству
Kick Some Ice
Australia's First International Hit!
Inspired by true events
It was the last day of school of 1976. it's a night they would never forget.....if they could remember