10 Great Songs!
How's the State of the Union? It's GREAT!
love IS news...when it's romantic TYRONE...lovely LORETTA...and dashing DON stepping out together on a streamlined, screamlined, springtime love-lark! (Print Ad-Nashua Telegraph, ((Nashua, NH)) 2 April 1937)
The most sensual woman in the world... and beyond.
Based on Edgar Allen Poe's 'Night of the Living Dead'
Presley packs the the screen's biggest wallop...with the gals...with the gloves...with the guitar!
He might eat maggots and live in a cage but he's still our Dad
Win or lose, you're dead.
So New It's a Year Ahead!
A SOCK IN THE EYE! (Print Ad- New York Post, ((New York, NY)) 12 March 1936)
Every Exciting Character ! Every dangerous moment ...
What excitement! What novelty! What modern day splendor. Fairbanks in a three-mile-a-minute comedy-drama.
MUSIC...COLOR...ROMANCE (original poster-all caps)
Warner Brothers' Biggest Musical Extravaganza in Three Years!