The modern corsairs of the Spanish Main- the slim, black bootleg craft, waylaid by hi-jackers -boarding their craft at top speed- the fight on the deck- guns-knives-cutlasses-the spirit of Captain Kid and Morgan- the present-day buccaneers who fly the «jolly rover» of rum at their lawless mastheads! (Print Ad- Owosso Argus-Press, ((Owosso, Mich.)) 26 February 1926)
Clear the decks for ACTION! (Newspaper ad).
MARY PICKFORD IN THE FIRST SUPERIOR PRODUCTION UNDER HER OWN ARTISTIC GUIDANCE (Print Ad- The Bellingham Herald,((Bellingham, Wash.)) 30 November 1916)
Have women a Man's Sense of Sportsmanship to make the Best of a Bad Bargain, or an Unfortunate Marriage; or Are the Yearnings of Their Hearts Their Only Laws? (Print Ad-Pittsburgh Press, ((Pittsburgh, Penna.)) 29 May 1921)
Keith was helpless to save his wife from an incurable illness, but he will fight to save his baby daughter from an unjust system.