The First President of United Laughter (Print Ad-Quebec Daily Telegraph, ((Quebec City, PQ)) 14 June 1924)
Here's a picture of such fast action- so much excitement- and such a big theme that you'll welcome it as his greatest production.It's a big theme that you'll welcome it as his greatest production. It's the story of a man who invaded a town in the Kentucky hills to break up a band of political grafters who ruled with iron force. He had the courage of his convictions- and fists to back up his stand- And when right met might- But come- It's just too big to talk about- You must see it. (Print Ad- Arizona Republican, ((Phoenix, Az)) 25 December 1921)
A drama of spiritualism, New York's Fifth Avenue and its Ghetto. (Print Ad- The Record-News, ((Smith's Falls, P.O.)) 24 April 1923)